Tuesday, December 30, 2008

i got a hamester sry i wasnt on

== Steps ==
#Choose good bedding. The best bedding is shredded toilet paper or paper towels, or a type of soft bedding (like Carefresh), or aspen bedding. All three are practically harmless.they will not like there home without bedding they will try to make their own ! BY MOVING THINGS .
#*Some types of bedding can be hazardous to your hamster. Any fluffy bedding, such as cotton, can KILL your hamster.KILL !AHHHHH !
#*If you use wood shavings, avoid cedar. It releases things into the cage that can be fatal to your hamster(s). Pine isn't a wonderful choice but it's better then cedar so if those are your only choices, pick pine.OR USE OTHER .
# Spread the bedding thickly enough that your hamster can burrow in it.
#Pick appropriate food. Never try to make your own food, because your hamsters will miss out on some of the essential nutrients they need to survive. They like variety, so try to buy food with different food types. Pellets work well too.
# Feed your hamster every day. Remove old or stale food regularly.
#Maintain a steady diet. Do not change your hamsters food or diet suddenly; take it slow. Add a little more of the new food every couple of days until all your hamster's food is the new kind.
# Play with your hamster. Hide the food around the cage for them to find. Don't do this too much, though, as they may not be able to find it, and the food will go stale. Remove any leftover hidden food when you change the bedding.
# Try hand feeding occasionally; it will build a trust bond between you and your little friend.my hamster was tame from the store e and if not maky sure you tame them after they have eaten and cleaned themselves.
# Give your hamster water, ideally in a plastic bottle.
#*If you use a plastic bottle, make sure that the ball is metal, not plastic. Bottles are easier to handle and keep the water cleaner.
#*If you use a bowl, choose one that is about 1 1/2 inch tall and fill it about halfway.
# Hamsters prefer bottled water, but it isn't necessary for them to survive.
# Place something in the cage that the hamsters can chew on. Because they are rodents, their teeth continue to grow. They must chew something to wear down this growth. Hamster-safe wood is good.like nibble sticks at your local pet store .
)and your hamster may want to fill up his pouch(cheeks) , with food or move his shavings and nibble sticks well , my hamester oreo just did that and we are right now trying to open his wheel so we can get it out inthe midlle of the night , so it is ok it is your choice were it can stay but take it out of the wheel because he will not be able to do it with food in there . :)
here are some hamester tips i got a black and white panda hamster male , and he is soooc ute i got him yestercday ok ttygl